Know where your assets are at all times

Use a professional solution to keep an overview of your asset's whereabouts.


Cheqroom asset management software helps you know where your assets are at all times

Cheqroom solves the equipment needs of 1000+ companies

See what we can do for you.

asset management software that these brands love
our customers love our asset management software

Have a complete overview of your assets

Know what equipment you have. No more scribbled notes, hasty emails, or double bookings. Organize all your gear and find the right assets in no time.

Always know who has the equipment and where it is

No need to guess who's using the equipment and for how long. Check the calendar overview to get all the information you need within a few seconds.

Make asset reservations in advance, or check out available  assets on the go.

keep everyone updates with the calendar overview of Cheqroom Asset Management Software

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Let's discover a better way to manage your assets

Asset Management Software - Asset Flagging

Eliminate chaos, & hold people accountable

Never forgetting to book, pick- up, or return an asset. Keep everyone in the loop at all times with automated email, push, Slack, and SMS notifications.

Does equipment still get broken or lost? Enforce people to be more careful simply by tracking the equipment they use with user sign-off, check-out and check-in signoff.

No stress about last-minute reservations or gear changes

Immediately see if your equipment is complete. Forgot to book anything or do you need another asset? Just use the inventory schedule on the mobile app and book gear within seconds.

phone - app - asset list

See Cheqroom in action 🎬

In this demo, we'll dive into the platform and show you how you can track and manage your assets.